
At Borderlands Books, SF.

My name is Liz. I work in marketing at the University of Arizona, where I also recently completed my MFA in creative writing-fiction. I am a sometime-teacher of intro to fiction writing and a habitual revisionist of short stories and novels. I sometimes whine about the latter process here.

I started Girl of the Golden West in December 2009 as a sort of cultural diary, and while I do write about culture from time to time, the project has evolved to include thoughts on the artistic process, occasional rants about television ads that offend me, and fallow periods poorly disguised by embedded video. As the blog project continues to evolve, I’ll adjust this section accordingly.

My husband and I live in Tucson with our two black dogs and two white cats. We jointly oppose the legalization of weapons on university campuses, SB1070, and  myriad other legislative head-shakers advanced by our state.

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